Adamoto server and frontend installation
System Requirements
First you need a system with the following software
a Web-Server (Adamoto is tested with Apache ( 1.3.23 (Unix)))
a MySQL-Database (Adamoto is tested with version 3.23.48)
a JAVA-Servlet-Server (Adamoto is tested with tomcat version 4.0.1)
Adamoto Installation
The Adamoto frontend is very easy to install.
Create a database „adamoto“ at the Mysql-database.
Create a user, who has full access to the database.
Take the adamoto.sql and import it to the database you have created
Copy the adamoto.war file in your webapps directory (e.g. /opt/jakarta/webapps for tomcat at a suse 8.0 linux)
Copy the file in the same directory if you have a Linux machine, copy install.bat if you want to install on NT/2000/XP
On Linux start with „su -m -c“. You will be asked for the admin password.
On NT/2000/XP start install.bat
Restart the JAVA-Servlet-Server (tomcat)
Open a browser and call the url http://yourserver:8080/adamoto/servlet/manager?command=show&table=install
Edit the data for your database
Now you can call http://yourserver:8080/adamoto/servlet/manager?command=show&table=system
Ready, your system should work now! You can administrate thousands to billions computers now!